Wednesday, June 07, 2006

On the road again

Tomorrow Texas and I are heading out to Burlington, Iowa (along with the rest of the Clark clan) to attend my cousin's wedding on Saturday. Flying with a 20-month-old should be pretty exciting. Here are my top 5 things to do with a toddler on an airplane:

5. Let him stand on my lap and peer over the seat in front of us. People love it when kids bang on their head with toy trains.
4. Watch his favorite DVD's and turn them up loud enough so that everyone for 5 rows can hear
3. Let him run up and down the aisle, stopping to greet each person and block the beverage cart
2. Changing his dirty diaper in the tiny little bathroom, during turbulance
1. Listening to him scream for the last 30 minutes of the flight as his ears try and adjust to the change in pressure

I figure it's going to be pretty rad.


dogboy said...

I want to sit in the seat in front of you! I'm always in need of a good whack on the head.

katintheoc said...

LOL...who knows, you might even like Thomas the Tank Engine.