Sunday, June 25, 2006

We went on the new Pirates ride! That's Captain Jack hiding behind some barrels.


dogboy said...

Does he really belong? I despise the way they have to make all the stand alone attractions into some sort of movie. Wasn't Pirates the favorite attraction long before anyone ever heard of Johnny Depp? AARRGGHH, the bilge rats. Let me run the damn park! Of course I'd accept input from my most trusted aficianados, mostly present company. But have they asked me? NO! The nerve of them. Oh well, the dogs probably prefer it this way.

Anonymous said...

So, it's really not that bad. A friend of mine that works on the animatronics promised me it would still be the same ride and I would be upset. He kept his word for the most part. The movie hasn't taken over the ride, so I was happy. As for not asking you I have no idea what they were thinking! :-)

Anonymous said...

Bubba - the line was too the flag on Main Steet this morning. It was pretty crazy. 2-3 hour wait for what is pretty much the same ride. Glad we timed things so well yesterday :-)