Saturday, June 24, 2006

Update on Mom

Mom is having surgery on Wednesday to remove her left kidney. She's in good spirits (relatively speaking) and is making jokes about writing something on her abdomen that says "Open Here." Just a little joke for the surgeons. She'll be in the hospital through the weekend and should be home in time to party it up for 4th of July. Ok, maybe not party, but I'm sure we'll get her out to wave around some sparklers or something. I mean, having a vital organ removed is something to celebrate, right? (ugh) After the surgery we'll know for sure whether or not it has spread anywhere else, and we're all hoping for the best.


dogboy said...

I will say a prayer, or two, for her and for a great and speedy recovery. Maybe she will be up for the party on the 4th... even if it's just a hot dog and a soda... with a sparkler of course!

dogboy said...

And a prayer for the rest of the family, too.