Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I've been telling myself for months that I was going to start a blog, and here it is. Just a fun way to take a few moments out of my day to reflect, rejoice, regret, reenact, and generally just get stuff off my chest. I work full time and then come home and work some more, and sometimes you just need to download some silly thing you heard, did, observed, and this seemed like a good place to do it.

If you're here it's becuase I invited you, so feel free to post a response to anything that suits your fancy. On the flip side, don't feel like you have to check in regularly, or at all.

Well, here's to my first post. I have to admit, it's kind of exciting. :)


dogboy said...

Well allow me to say how honored I am to be the first one to respond to your first post. I, too, have wanted to start a blog and, in fact, have registered for one but... well... Please be sure to insert the occasional update/adventure at the Park, you know how I miss it!

katintheoc said...

OMG, i already have a comment. SM, you made my day. :) (yes, I'm easily entertained)

Anonymous said...

Does this mean you finally fixed your laptop?

Anonymous said...

OK, this is fun. I always wondered what a blog was. I'm so out of touch technically, I'm excited to have just learned to use my ATM card at the grocery store. Since this goes to the world, I have the previlege of having one of the greatest daughters-in-law in recorded history. Scott doesn't look his age, but neither does his Mom :)

Anonymous said...

OK, maybe his Mom does look her age but don't tell her! :)

katintheoc said...

She does NOT look her age and without a doubt is the best mom-in-law EVER. (thanks, ma) :)