Sunday, April 30, 2006

Things Texas said this weekend

Ok, so I swore this wouldn't turn into daily postings about how fabulous my kid is, but I just can't seem to resist the temptation to note a few things here and there. A sampling of things he said to me or those around me this weekend:

"Hey, Ted!" - yelled across the yard to my 85 year-old neighbor next door
"Oh, mommy" - when I spilled yogurt on him at dinner
"Eeeeww, nasty" - while changing a particularly stinky diaper
"Pee yew" - see: above
"Goog grief" - just about any time it applies
"Oh MY!" - because he was so excited about a bunch of airplanes and helicopters flying around
"Esqeeze me" - after he burped (I'm not kidding)
"What are you doing?" - repeated back to me any time I asked him
"Close the door" - so that he can sit in the "big truck" all by himself; generally followed by "open it" (mommy opens the door), "close the door" (mommy closes it), "open it" and so on....
(On a side note: like all little boys before him, he got to "drive" daddy's truck for the first time today. It was pretty cute to see him sitting on daddy's lap, his little hands on the steering wheel and a huge smile on his face)
"Hi, baby!" - to a little girl in another shopping cart at the grocery store, his little arm waving to greet her

It's a little surreal to hear yourself reflected back in your little boy's ever expanding vocabulary, and a reminder of just how much they are a part of you. Do I really say "good grief???"

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